The deal had indicated himself, and now he is perfect: The federal government acknowledges that it has agreed the sale of modern battle tanks to Indonesia. 104 "Leopard 2" 50 and older "Marder" models may be supplied in the country.
(photo : Defense Studies)
(photo : Defense Studies)
Berlin, (IMP) -- The German government has approved another controversial deal, the German armaments industry into a crisis zone. This gave the German company Rheinmetall by the secret, which meets Federal Security Council authorization of exports of 104 battle tanks "Leopard 2", four Büffel ARV (Bergepanzer), three Leguan AVLB bridge-laying tanks (Brückenlegepanzer) and three Kodiak AEV (Pionierpanzer) in Indonesia. About the upcoming business had previously been the news agency Reuters reported.
Marder 1A2 (photo : Defense Studies)
Apart from said tanks the armaments giant will provide a further 50 armored type "Marder 1A2" to Southeast Asia, in addition to modernize older models of the type for the deal. The previously unknown figures on the billion deal to go from a response of the federal government out of the green Bundestag Katja Keul, the present SPIEGEL ONLINE.
Büffel ARV/Bergepanzer (photo : fahrzeugbilder)
The interest in Indonesia has been known for a long time, but so far, the federal government had kept covered. Indonesia was first asked in the Netherlands for a possible export of "Leopard" tanks, the model is considered one of the most modern battle tank ever. There, but failed on the export Parliament, which made concerns about the human rights situation in Indonesia claimed. Thereupon, Indonesia turned to the Federal Republic.
Kodiak AEV/Pionierpanzer (photo : doppeladler)
Rheinmetall has developed the applications used by the Bundeswehr "Leopard" tanks and the tanks equipped with safety devices and systems for the street fighting in populated areas. Indonesia was interested in this version which is called "MBT Revolution."
Changing export rules
The possible deal with Indonesia had been on a visit to the Chancellor in the summer 2012 issue, then the Indonesian government spoke fairly openly about the interest in the German military vehicles. The Indonesian government said at the time of a routine renewal of the local armed forces and joined a bet against their own people, for example at demonstrations. However, human rights activists were alarmed. Indonesia is not a model country of democracy: In No. 100 the country is listed in the corruption index of Transparency International, Amnesty International speaks of massive human rights violations in individual provinces.
Leguan AVLB/Brückenlegepanzer (photo : Military Today)
With export permits for armored vehicles in third countries by the Federal Security Council, in which all important ministers are represented alongside the Chancellor, Germany changed step by step its previously restrictive rules on arms exports. So far has been that permits for frigates, fast or submarines could also be approved for controversial recipient countries, since it is difficult to engage with these weapons in conflicts inside or violate human rights. Armored vehicles, however, were taboo. "What floats, is what rolling, do not go," was the appropriate dictum of times the long-term Foreign Minister Hans Dietrich Genscher.
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